Welcome to Bethany Lutheran Church

We are a confessional, liturgical congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod in the beautiful and historic village of Wellington, Ohio. Please visit us on Sundays at 10:15am for Worship. Please come and share in the joy of Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins delivered in His Word and Sacraments. We celebrate Holy Communion every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday. If you have any questions please If you have any questions please contact us.

Our Congregation

As a congregation called together through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we gather together in order to foster worship, Christian education and fellowship for growth in faith and love for God. As a Congregation we endeavor to communicate these blessings to our community of neighbors in obedience to the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. We also participate in and contribute to our greater responsibility of world missions through our District and Synod.

Purpose of Bethany

  • To Provide a place for the gathering of God’s people for fellowship and growth in Him.

  • To be a place of worship for the body of Christ; a place for God’s actions among us in the Word and Sacraments, and as members of the body of Christ.

  • To be a witness to our neighborhood and the larger world-wide community to the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.

  • To live and grow as disciples of our Lord Jesus, listening to our Lord and following Him; using our collective efforts to help the spiritually and physically poor; visiting the sick and distressed with the message of God’s Presence and His Grace in our attitudes and in our actions.

  • To be honest about ourselves and therefore accepting of each other as we live in the Light of God’s Grace.